Designer Spotlight - Mary Stowe

Mary Stowe is the owner of Great Yarns and Yarns Etc.. in North Carolina and she also designed this beautiful sweater in Magazine 9. The multicolour pullover is a perfect stash buster project, as it takes ends and bits to create great colour changes. This sweater can also be done out of our skeinettes or the Pencil Boxes! Learn more about this sweater and Mary below! 

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What are some facts about you? 

I live in Chapel Hill,NC I have 1 son and 3 stepchildren. No pets, graduated from FIT in NYC

When did you start knitting and crocheting? 

I started knitting when I was 6- which was 50 years ago! My grandmothers helped me learn to knit and crochet , embroider and use a a sewing machine.

How many years have you been crafting? 


How has knitting or crocheting affected your life? 

I have made it my career and business. I went to fashion school and started a business using my crafting skills

What is your favourite stitch? 

Maybe the knit stitch- no wait- the purl stitch! Can't have one with out the other!

Who is your designing idol? 

Love what Kaffee Fassett did for the knitting industry back in the 1980s. My good friend, Nicky Epstein, never ceases to amaze me with her prolific creativity and talent.

Who do you make for most? 

Store samples for my yarn store, Yarns etc...

What is your ideal knitting or crocheting environment? 

Parked on the couch with Netflix, can be day or night, winter or Summer.

What is your favourite project you have ever made?

One of my very favorites was the one included in this magazine. I love working with colors and it was really fun to decide which color to use next!

Are there any forms of crafting you would like to try? 

I embroider, needlepoint, sew and am generally very crafty. I think I would like to try rug hooking.

What are you making right now? 

A shawl out of gradient yarn, 2 different pairs of socks, a baby dress, and a fair isle sweater.